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Nosotros Somos UCM


UCM was created due to the need to establish professional training for leaders and Evangelical ministers which our country has lacked or Biblical-Theological knowledge is difficult to access; Therefore, this program, based on the demands of society towards this profession, has developed basic tools for the student to develop the necessary skills in order to offer society people qualified to work, disciple and lead optimally, building a society. better integrated and organized.

The focus of this institution is not to be just another school in which theological and leadership knowledge is taught, rather it is to make such knowledge practical and applicable to the community and context in which they are immersed, and with the acquired learning improve the society in which one lives.

Therefore, this program presents the bases on which it is based to be able to develop Professionals capable of facing the needs that society and God demand.


  "Train and Develop leaders who with Excellence serve God in the expansion of His kingdom"


The mission at UCM is to educate its students for Christian leadership, service in the church and in different professions throughout the world under a quality standard.


May we remain united to the Body of Christ

1. Firm

2. Constants

3. Growing

Mision y Vision




Jaime Castro



Patricia Castelo



Arely Garcia



Francisco Limon



Ruth Balderrama


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Victor Vazquez



Martha Castro



Juan M. Morales



Fundamentos Filosóficos

Philosophical Foundations

The Bible, which is considered the revealed word of God and final Authority in all matters pertaining to life and faith, is exalted as the foundation of every curricular program. The pursuit of knowledge at the Christian University of Mexico is distinguished by the conviction that, to be truly educated, one must have the ability to be responsible in one's moral decisions, be completely committed to serving the needs of others, and be recognized as an expert collaborator in his own profession.

Such a distinction requires that students be exposed to the moral and spiritual principles taught in the Bible and that they be able to think ethically as well as logically, analytically, and critically.


The General University Council, administration, faculty, and Staff of the Christian University of Mexico are committed to maintaining an academic community where the Christian character and spiritual values accompany each of the learning tasks. Convinced that education is a lifelong pursuit, the Christian University of Mexico provides a base of knowledge, skills, and values that enable its students to:


   1. Enter the professions in a meaningful and complete manner within the ministry of Church leadership or within the global community, resulting in the opportunity to fulfill the mandates of the great commission, to work and even support oneself themselves, if necessary.

   2. Influence the religious, social, educational and business community with biblical principles and a moral character exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles.

  3.  The pursuit and achievement of achieving personal and professional goals, including the fulfillment of high academic degrees and/or personal development in their area of service.

  4. Being actively involved in their communities as citizens concerned about improving the quality of life.

  5. Follow healthy lifestyles and take appropriate actions to promote the common good within their families and their communities.

  6. Build a legacy for subsequent generations by enriching biblical values, including moral integrity, ethical principles, and human dignity in institutions such as the family, the church, and biblical training institutions.

  7. Develop an awareness of the interconnection between nations and peoples and seek opportunities to promote peace, goodwill, and the enrichment of life in the world in which we live.

Nuestro Perfil



The Bible, which is considered the revealed word of God and final Authority in all matters pertaining to life and faith, is exalted as the foundation of every curricular program. The pursuit of knowledge at the Christian University of Mexico is distinguished by the conviction that, to be truly educated, one must have the ability to be responsible in one's moral decisions, be completely committed to serving the needs of others, and be recognized as an expert collaborator in his own profession.

Such a distinction requires that students be exposed to the moral and spiritual principles taught in the Bible and that they be able to think ethically as well as logically, analytically, and critically.


The General University Council, administration, faculty, and Staff of the Christian University of Mexico are committed to maintaining an academic community where the Christian character and spiritual values accompany each of the learning tasks. Convinced that education is a lifelong pursuit, the Christian University of Mexico provides a base of knowledge, skills, and values that enable its students to:


  1. Enter the professions meaningfully and fully within the ministry of Church leadership or within the global community, resulting in the opportunity to fulfill the mandates of the great commission, to work and even support themselves, if necessary .

  2. Influence the religious, social, educational and business community with biblical principles and a moral character exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles.

  3. The pursuit and achievement of achieving personal and professional goals, including the fulfillment of high academic degrees and/or personal development in your area of service.

  4. Being actively involved in their communities as citizens concerned about improving the quality of life.

  5. Follow healthy lifestyles and take appropriate actions to promote the common good within their families and their communities.

  6. Build a legacy for subsequent generations by enriching biblical values, including moral integrity, ethical principles, and human dignity in institutions such as the family, the church, and biblical training institutions.

  7. Develop an awareness of the interconnectedness between nations and peoples and seek opportunities to promote peace, goodwill, and the enrichment of life in the world in which we live.


MOTTO: “Identity - Leadership - Service”

Identity: In Christ I am accepted, I am safe and I am important.

Leadership: I have been chosen by Christ to influence others.

Service: I am God's agent for the good of others.




The UCM is a private University, affiliated with the fraternity of independent congregations of the Restoration Movement better known as Churches of Christ or Christian Churches. Since this fraternity of congregations claim not to have a formulated creed or statutes of Faith, but only the Scriptures and since we have no headquarters or denominational basis that establishes a doctrinal position for the university, the Advisory Council  has resolved that the university abide by a brief general statement based on the teachings of the scriptures that are clearly taught and universally accepted by this set of independent congregations of the restoration movement. These teachings include:


THAT GOD is not only omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent creator of the universe, but is also a loving Father, giver of life, and just judge.

THAT THE BIBLE is divine revelation and inspiration for man. These sacred scriptures are not to add to or subtract from any teaching by anyone.

THAT JESUS is the Christ, The Son of God, who came to earth in the fullness of time, as Savior and Messiah. This same Jesus is recognized as the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, crucified after having lived without sin on earth, raised from the grave bodily as Lord, ascended to heaven as King of Kings, and will come again for yours.

THAT THE CHURCH is the divine institution that God has provided for the preaching of the gospel of salvation to the world. This Church, the body of Christ, has been given divine ordinances, which are Christian baptism, the immersion in water of the believer for the remission of his sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit; and the Lord's Supper, observed weekly in memory of Jesus Christ.

THAT UNITY of all followers of Jesus Christ can be achieved by returning to the basics of the pattern established by the early church in its teachings and practice, government, and life as seen in the New Testament.

[An expanded version of this statement is available on the university website]


The founders of the university, as well as the Advisory Council and administrative leadership, are deeply aware of the many problems, which have divided and continue to divide the Churches of Christ/Christian Churches. As a University, we believe that it is easier to contribute to division and disunity by aligning ourselves on the basis of opinion with any party or sect. Rather, in the spirit of the first century church and many of its Christian reformers, we choose to be nonsectarian.


Full-time faculty members are required to adhere to these teachings and principles and seek to instill them in the lives of their disciples. Additionally, each student is expected to achieve the goals of Christian character and behavior as implied in these teachings.


To this end, the UCM requires that each candidate for the Bachelor of Theology degree thoroughly analyze the doctrinal profile and philosophy of this institution in order to evaluate whether it is within their personal doctrinal framework.



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